DanBAN løb med prisen “Best Performing member 2016”

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Onsdag d. 7 juni åbnede EBAN dørene for dette års EBAN Congress, som i år blev afholdt i Malaga med over 500 deltagere fra hele Europa. Torsdag aften under gallamiddagen skulle syv af de vigtigste priser uddeles, hvoraf DanBAN løb med prisen for Best Performing Member.

EBAN Annual Congress er en af Europas største internationale business angel events, som årligt arrangeres af EBAN i samarbejde med deres bedste medlemmer. Torsdag aften skulle syv af de vigtigste priser uddeles i følgende kategorier.

  • Best European early stage investor
  • Successful business financed by early stage investors
  • Best individual/organization in globally engaging the early stage investment within the entrepreneurial ecosystem
  • Best Business Angel Week initiative
  • Best Performing EBAN Member
  • Best performing New EBAN Member
  • Early Stage Investor who has been a game changer for Europe

I går aftes, torsdag d. 8  kunne vi juble hjemmefra Danmark, da prisen for Best Performing Member 2016 blev overrakt til en ven af huset, Ivar Siimar, som modtog prisen på vegne af DanBAN.

Ved offentliggørelsen af prisen skriver EBAN følgende i motivationen for at have nomineret , og overrakt prisen til DanBAN.


• In 2016, DanBAN members exited 21 companies with an average Moneyback Multiple (MBM) of 2,8.
• During the period 2014-2016, DanBAN members have exited a total of 78 companies with an average MBM of 2,83.
• Uniquely, all DanBAN members are required to submit investment and exit information. Thus, the results above are not a survey. They are the total population and include several total write-offs every year.
• Membership activity: in 2016, 67% of all DanBAN members made one or more investments (up from 60% in 2015). This represents an exceptionally high “engagement ratio”. Measured on this ratio, probably amongst the most active BAN’s in Europe.
• DanBAN grew its membership by 18%, net to 109 members.
• DanBANs 109 members invested 23 mill € in 2016, up almost 75% from 2015 (13 mill€)


• In 2016, DanBAN established a LinkedIn community to engage with all the stakeholders in the start-up and early stage community. Today, membership exceeds 1100, i.e. ten times the number of DanBAN members. Thus our “reach” extends far outside our membership.
• After several years of lobbying, Vækstfonden (The Danish Growth Fund) and EAF announced a Danish Matching fund (investment capacity 54 mill €). One of the first two certified angels is a DanBAN member. DanBAN turned a very negative attitude from Vækstfonden into a positive one.
• In 2016 DanBAN extended an offer of association to the other BAN’s in Denmark. To date, two, VESTOR and IFC have accepted the offer. Thus, we now number 180 members. The goal is to unite forces on a national level. The objective is to bring a further two networks on board in 2017 and to reach 250 members by year -end.
• Since 2014, DanBAN has organized the Annual Danish Business Angel meeting, bringing all Danish BAN’s together. This year there was close to 200 participants, a new record.


• Jesper Jarlbæk, DanBAN Chair, currently serves as Board member and Treasurer of EBAN. Jesper has led the effort establish a sound, professional fiscal management of EBAN, since his appointment in 2014. Virtually every element has been replaced and upgraded. (IT system, accounting services provider, auditor, EBAN staff).
• DanBAN has heavily promoted the efforts to strengthen NordicBAN and has encouraged FiBAN to take a lead role in this. This effort is led by Esben Gadsbøll.
• DanBAN organized the first NordicBAN delegation to the ACA meeting. By bringing the 20-person strong NordicBAN delegation to the EBAN reception at the ACA, a very visible statement of EBAN’s strength and cohesiveness was demonstrated.
• DanBAN has organized delegations to visit Estonia and Finland on several occasions, and has formed syndicates to invest in Finnish and Estonian startups.
• DanBAN was host to the 2015 EBAN Winter University. The event was co-hosted with Creative Business Cup and brought 800 participants to a three-day event in Copenhagen.


• EstBAN is nominating DanBAN, witnessing the accuracy of the information supporting this application.

Et stort tillykke og godt arbejde skal det lyde til alle medlemmer og partnere i DanBAN. Fik I ikke set vores medlemsanalyse for 2016, kan I finde den her.

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