
About the DanBAN board education

Download program here.

The board education has been developed by CBS Board Education in close collaboration with Danish Business Angels, experienced CBS professors, board members, business angels and founders as well as advisors from EY, and Kromann Reumert in the faculty team.

Being a board member and investor in startups and scaleups is an important and challenging task.

The company's interest and long-term value creation can be difficult to keep in focus in the boardrooms; there can be uncertainty about strategy, uncertainty about the next round of financing and confusion in the role distribution between founders, the board and investors.

The board education provided a really good mix of theory and practice. Especially in small growth companies, the framework for board work is not always theoretically optimal, so it was nice to have a lot of concrete examples and guest lecturers who could shed light on how to handle the challenges in "the real world". Combined with very engaged and experienced fellow students, it has left me with a better understanding of how to create strategic value for the company while fulfilling my obligations as a board member in the best possible way.

Peter Troensegaard Jensen, Business Angel DanBAN

What we offer

Danish Business Angels has in collaboration with CBS Board Education developed a board education for business angels and other board members in startups and scaleups. 

The board education focuses on models and tools that promote value-creating board work, which are based on knowledge and experience of the board's most important tasks, issues and dilemmas in startup and scaleup companies. 

The participants become part of a learning process with teaching teams consisting of professors, business angels, board members and founders, who inspire and challenge the participants based on case discussions from the startup and scaleup environment.

I have had my own company with a professional board of directors and I also sit on boards myself, so the primary reason for me to enroll in the program was to expand my network. Therefore, I was pleasantly surprised by the high level of professionalism and expertise - and feel that I have filled my toolbox quite well. In fact, I came away with several tools that I didn't even realize I was missing before the program!

The level of the instructors was very high. Everyone had highly relevant experience with boards, which they were happy to share.

Laila Annabel Johansen, Business Angel DanBAN


The teaching consists of 6 modules with a total of 3 days of teaching.

Day 1: Wednesday, March 6th, 2024 from 09:00 AM to 05:30 PM.
Day 2: Thursday, March 7th, 2024 from 09:00 AM to 06:30 PM.
Day 3: Tuesday, April 2nd, 2024 from 09:00 AM to 05:30 PM.


• Boards and Corporate Governance: legislation and areas of responsibility
• The board, the owners and the stakeholders (“Owners Plan”)
• Role dilemmas and disagreements between the owners
• The board's role, best practice and dilemmas in strategy work
• The board's composition, competencies and board dynamics
• Board and board meeting evaluation
• In difficulties and crisis: Management & crisis management
• Supervision - the financial overview and financial decisions
• Value creation and business development
• International capital market and financing rounds

The teaching team from CBS and their partners are excellent, the program is well put together with cases, and experienced business angels contribute with the perspective of 'hands-on experience'. In addition, there are unique networking opportunities and a productive yet informal atmosphere. DanBAN and CBS's Board Education for Start-ups receive my warmest recommendations.

Lars Kaa Andersen, Business Angel

Pedagogy and teachers

Teaching and discussions in groups and plenary meetings are facilitated by CBS professors, experienced board members and business angels as well as advisors from Kromann Reumert and EY. The program uses a large number of experience-based cases, which have been developed specifically for the tea program. There is room for 35 on the team, and participants can expect to meet 14–18 teachers on the course.

There will be two professors from CBS who will be present throughout all three days. In addition, experienced board members and partners with whom CBS collaborates will provide instruction.

DanBAN contributes to education and facilitation with experienced Business Angels.

Participant profile

The education is primarily aimed at business angels, but it has value for everyone who has an ambition to work professionally with board work in startups and scaleups e.g. founders, venture capital managers, family offices, as well as advisors closely linked to the environment.

Participants typically demand tools and knowledge to enhance value-creating board work, which they can combine with their own experiences from startups and scaleups.

More info

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Ida Catharina Larsen (EVENT & COMMUNITY MANAGER)


Phone: +4530110664

Board training

Program: Download here
Date: 3. mar, 4. mar. og 1. apr. 2025
Time: 9:00am-5:30pm (6:30pm on the 7th)
Place: CBS, Råvarebygningen, Porcelænshaven 22, 2000 Frederiksberg.
Price: kr. 18.500 ekskl. moms. (inkl. materialer og forplejning på 6 moduler – 3 dage).

Pris for ikke-medlemmer: kr. 26.000 ekskl. moms.

Register via this form. There is only room for 35 on the team...
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