Invest in
Are you looking for funding? Are you ready to pitch in front of investors from DanBAN and our partners? Then apply through the button below. It's 100% free.
Hvem er Invest in Odense?
Invest in Odense match businesses and investors with relevant local partners. They wants to make Odense the best robotic hub in Europe.
In Odense, they provide strong public support to new investors and companies that locate here. The development of the city makes Odense an excellent strategic location for doing business.
In Odense you will find a large robotic hub. More than 85 companies are working with industrial robots, drones or health technologies. More than 30 higher education programs. All within a distance of approximately 20 kilometers. In this well-functioning ecosystem, profitable ideas are generated every day.
Invest in Odense help investors and companies to succeed when they choose Odense as their location.
Criteria for application
for funding
Startups from all sectors can apply for funding if you meet the following criteria:
A MVP in the market
Have a Minimum Viable Product (MVP)
Proofed potential for company via users, paying customers, pilot-customers, softfunding etc.
You are able to pitch at our events
Our events is typically in Copenhagen, Aarhus or Odense.
Derfor samarbejder vi med DanBAN
Styrker økosystemet
Vi opnår gode synergier ved at afholde fælles events.
Fælles events
Vi afholder fælles events, herunder pitch events, uddannelse mv.
Sparring og dealflow
Vi deler erfaringer og dealflow for at sikre gode investeringer.
What we are looking for...
What does the team look like in relation to composition, diversity, competencies and past experience? For investors, the people behind the team are always the most important thing!
What have you achieved in terms of revenue, soft funding or pilot customers? Can you validate that others (than yourself) are interested in the product?
How scalable is the product? Can it be easily sold to a larger number of customers, or does it require manual sales processes and handling?
What are the solutions on the market in advance, and how do you differentiate yourself from the competition? Is it a red or blue ocean market?
Do your expectations for investment size and valuation fit DanBAN? And have you thoroughly considered what the investment should be used for?
Sådan hjælper denne Partner
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Sparring og input
Vi opnår gode synergier ved at afholde fælles events.
Styrkelse af økosystemet
Vi opnår gode synergier ved at afholde fælles events.
Styrkelse af økosystemet
Vi opnår gode synergier ved at afholde fælles events.
Looking for funding?
Read more about the opportunities and apply here.