The European


Din adgang til de bedste venture fonde i Europa

The European Venture Capital

Hvem er EUVC?

The European Venture Capital (EUVC) samarbejder med DanBAN om at sikre adgang til de bedste venture fonde i Europa.

EUVC’s vision er at bringe Europas venture og angel investorer sammen gennem den bedste content for venture insidere og værdiskabende syndikater for aktive investorer

Oplev EUVC’s content univers og fondinvesteringer her.

Hvad EUVC fondssyndikater
giver DanBAN medlemmer

Internationalt co-investor netværk

Syndikater med Business Angels og venture investorer fra hele Europa

Diversificeret eksponering til Europæisk venture

Fonde med et forventet afkast på >3x

Europæiske co-investeringsmuligheder

Fonde udvalgt særligt for deres model for samarbejde med Business Angels

EUVC's grundlæggere

Vores grundlæggere er Venture Partnere i Isomer Capital, Europa’s ledende venture fondsinvestor og
fondene udvælges i samarbejde med Isomer Capital

A MVP in the market

Have a Minimum Viable Product (MVP)


Proofed potential for company via users, paying customers, pilot-customers, softfunding etc.

You are able to pitch at our events

Our events is typically in Copenhagen, Aarhus or Odense.

What we are looking for...

  • Team

    What does the team look like in relation to composition, diversity, competencies and past experience? For investors, the people behind the team are always the most important thing!

  • Traction

    What have you achieved in terms of revenue, soft funding or pilot customers? Can you validate that others (than yourself) are interested in the product?

  • Scalability

    How scalable is the product? Can it be easily sold to a larger number of customers, or does it require manual sales processes and handling?

  • Market

    What are the solutions on the market in advance, and how do you differentiate yourself from the competition? Is it a red or blue ocean market?

  • Terms

    Do your expectations for investment size and valuation fit DanBAN? And have you thoroughly considered what the investment should be used for?

Sådan hjælper denne Partner

Rådgivning til vækst

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Sparring og input

Vi opnår gode synergier ved at afholde fælles events.

Styrkelse af økosystemet

Vi opnår gode synergier ved at afholde fælles events.

Styrkelse af økosystemet

Vi opnår gode synergier ved at afholde fælles events.

Nyheder fra EU.VC🎙

RSS EUVC | The European VC

Looking for funding?

Læs om mulighederne hos DanBAN og ansøg om investering.

Are we a match?

Fill in the form and see if you can apply for an investment through our network of Business Angels.

1. Startup ansøgning