Bootstrapping is a new independent web media that focuses on Denmark's future and writes for those who are changing our society: entrepreneurs, startups, and the high-tech development that challenges the welfare state, institutions, and industries – as well as the way we live together as human beings.
Who is Bootstrapping? is an independent, digital, media for the ecosystem of tech & life science startups. Contrary to all our competitors we do not depend on governmental support & paid content. We only love off of the support that our PRO-members and subscribers give us. So thank you!
Bootstrapping focuses on the ones who change our society: About startups/scaleups, investments & help all the same. Our two primary target audiences are the growth entrepreneurs, investors and their respective ecosystems.
Bootstrapping is a business media designed from scratch for those who think ahead. 'Bootstrapping' is an expression for the entrepreneurs who manage to build new companies without anyone else's help. The expression is known from the American saying 'to get over the fence by pulling on one's own bootstraps' and means succeeding in the impossible through one's own efforts. That is the part of the business world that Bootstrapping will describe: those who are changing the world against all odds.
Get in touch with us...
If you want to get in touch with us, look no further than the "about us" page" on our website
Derfor samarbejder vi med DanBAN
Styrker økosystemet
Vi opnår gode synergier ved at afholde fælles events.
Fælles events
Vi afholder fælles events, herunder pitch events, uddannelse mv.
Sparring og dealflow
Vi deler erfaringer og dealflow for at sikre gode investeringer.
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Sparring og input
Vi opnår gode synergier ved at afholde fælles events.
Styrkelse af økosystemet
Vi opnår gode synergier ved at afholde fælles events.
Styrkelse af økosystemet
Vi opnår gode synergier ved at afholde fælles events.
Looking for funding?
Then apply to get funding at DanBAN. Click this button.