Fast growing companies

You can read more about how Deloitte Fast Growing Companies are structured, as a dedicated team, and how they work with Fast Growing Companies and with their partners through the QR code.

Who is Deloitte Fast Growing Companies?

The Deloitte Fast Growing Companies is a dedicated team of experts with extended industry knowledge to help start-up and scale-up companies succeed globally. A provider who offers you a team with deep experience in servicing, e.g., tech companies, and with experience in servicing growth companies. The team also has deep experience in companies with significant international activities.

The team will invest in continuous knowledge building and knowledge sharing – both in terms of industry knowledge, trends and other areas relevant to you. Thus, Deloitte has the breadth and depth of skills and capabilities the clients will be able to benefit from. 

The team is local and available with a solution-oriented and pragmatic approach to audit and advisory and will make a targeted effort to earn the position of being your Trusted Adviser.

Hi, we are Jonas and Benjamin...

We help the companies as a trusted adviser who understands the aspects of Fast Growing Companies and who delivers value-adding audit as well as holistic advisory services throughout your company’s journey.


Senior manager

Jonas is a state authorized public accountant and Senior Manager at Deloitte and part of our Fast Growing Companies Industry group. Jonas serves as an auditor for several scale-up and growth companies.

Jonas has been involved in several transactions and assists in funding rounds and capital increase. Jonas also serves as the companies’ one point of contact during the audit and as the companies trusted adviser.


Relationship Manager

Benjamin acts as Relationship Manager and strategic sparring partner for selected companies in the Fast Growing Industry and is a part of our Fast Growing Companies industry group.

Benjamin has worked successfully with consultancy for several years of in-depth experience in the field of care and advice for client relations, including in the choice of value-adding consultancy services in the field of Audit, Tax and Consulting. 

Who are we together?

Together, Benjamin and Jonas cover the ongoing need for sparring and knowledge sharing, as well as challenges in collaboration with the rest of Deloitte’s Fast growing Companies industry group.

In addition, Benjamin and Jonas are representatives of the industry group of Deloitte Fast Growing companies in the partnership with DanBAN.

The right team with the right experience

A tailored and integrated team of specialists

Our Clients will be a key business partner to Deloitte

We will provide value-adding advice as an integrated part of the audit

Kriterier for ansøgning
om investering hos DanBAN

Startups fra alle brancher kan ansøge om investering. I skal som minimum opfylde følgende kriterier:

💡 En MVP på markedet

En velfungerende MVP (Minimum Viable Product)

🤸‍♂️ Validering / Traction

I skal bevise potentialet for forretningen. Det kan være med brugere, betalende kunder, pilotkunder, soft-funding mv.

🗣 I skal kunne pitche fysisk

Det vil som udgangspunkt være i København, Aarhus eller Odense

Det ser vi efter...

  • Team

    Hvordan ser teamet ud i forhold til sammensætning, diversitet, kompetencer og erfaring fra tidligere. For investorerne er menneskerne bag altid det vigtigste!

  • Traction

    Hvad har I opnået i form af omsætning, softfunding eller pilotkunder? Kan I validerer at andre (end jer selv) er interesseret i produktet?

  • Skalerbarhed

    Hvor skalarbart er produktet? Kan det nemt sælges til en større mængde kunder eller kræver det manuelle salgsprocesser og håndtering?

  • Marked

    Hvad findes der af løsninger på markedet i forvejen og hvordan differentierer I jer i forhold til konkurrenterne? Er det et red eller blue ocean marked?

  • Terms

    Passer jeres forventninger til investeringsstørrelse og valuation til DanBAN? Og har I grundigt overvejet hvad investeringen skal bruges til?

Sådan hjælper denne Partner

Rådgivning til vækst

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Sparring og input

Vi opnår gode synergier ved at afholde fælles events.

Styrkelse af økosystemet

Vi opnår gode synergier ved at afholde fælles events.

Styrkelse af økosystemet

Vi opnår gode synergier ved at afholde fælles events.

Søger din startup kapital?

Læs om mulighederne og ansøg om investering.

Er vi et match?

Udfyld skemaet og se om I kan søge en investering gennem vores netværk af Business Angels.

1. Startup ansøgning