DanBAN offers several possibilities in relation to education within and around business angel investments. DanBAN has everything from new, passive, active, very active and experienced business angels, who each move at different stages and levels in their business angel life cycle. DanBANs educational offerings must, therefore, cater to several levels and stages, which is why we are planning yet another extension to our education offerings – University Crash Course, in collaboration with ITU, the Danish IT University.
This year, DanBAN has expanded its educational offerings to its members, which launched yesterday. DanBAN Academy is focused on the target group lead investors and super angels, who have portfolio companies that are in the stage of scaling or planning to exit within the near future. The second educational offer in DanBAN is, Nordic Angel Program, which is focused on the onboarding process and learning how to become an angel investor, finding deals, due diligence, building a portfolio and closing a deal.
All DanBAN education is designed primarily for angel investors who invest directly into small but growth-oriented companies.
Source: Australian Business Angels.
Coming up – University ITC crash course:
DanBAN has been in close dialogue with Startup Programme at ITU, an incubator at the Danish IT university as part of our monthly OPEN hours’ programs, connecting to different startup hubs in Denmark. Last month, the IT University, more specifically, startup programme became official partners with DanBAN.
As a start, Startup Programme and DanBAN are planning an investor day in March 2020, where DanBAN angels will get a chance to meet the tech startups at an early stage and become a mentor. The second event we are planning is an ITC crash course for business angels.
Recently, we met with ten talented startups at one of our monthly pitch events. One of the companies was working within the biotech scene and they did an outstanding job presenting the business case to the attending angel investors. The angel investors had an internal discussion about, where and when to meet with the company up until one person asked the question “who knows anything about biotech?” and the room went quiet.
It is simply not possible for one person to know each technology that startups are working with these days, which is why we want to launch a university crash course, where angels get a two-day training session in different tech sectors and technologies to get a deeper understanding of the capabilities and possibilities. Within the training, we will also discuss the associated ethics that follows the use of technology. Startup Programme at ITU is the first partner DanBAN are working with in this modality, but we will be looking to expand and create partnerships with more universities, to reach a wider range of sectors (BioTech, MedTech, Agriculture, etc.)
It is not expected that the angels participating in the crash course will become experts on the field, but it will help them understand the business case, the market and what questions to ask.