DanBAN-formand modtager pris for “Best Eco-System Development”

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European Business Angel Network hædrer Jesper Jarlbæk for hans arbejde for et styrket “økosystem af innovation, iværksætteri og venture finansiering”. Prisen blev overrakt under UGE47, hvor Danish Business Angels var en travl medarrangør af Danmarks til dato største business angel begivenhed: EBAN Winter University.

Ved offentliggørelse af prisen skriver EBAN følgende i deres nyhedsbrev:

“Best Eco-System Development” goes to Jesper Jarlbæk, Chairman of Copenhagen Business Angels:  As co-host of the first-ever Global Summit on Venture Finance and Innovation in Science, Space,Technology, and the Creative Industries, Jesper Jarlbæk, Chairman of Danish Business Angels, Vice Chairman of the Danish Venture Capital Association, “Business Angel of the Year 2009,”  among many other titles, board memberships and responsibilities, worked tirelessly to bring seemingly disparate groups all together under one umbrella to create a seamless “Eco-System of Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Venture Finance.” For this, EBAN salutes one of its own and extends its appreciation, recognition and gratitude. 

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