Do You Want To Pitch To Business Angels From DanBAN on Tech Match Demo Day 23th of June 2022?
Deadline: 30th of May 2022
The Tech Match program Round 1, 2, and 3 enable EU Tech startups and Danish SMEs within the built environment to establish contacts and partnerships and co-create, test, and prototype Tech solutions, and services e.g. AI, Robotics, and BIM, IoT, Smart homes, etc. More specifically the Tech Match program focuses on creating a more efficient construction industry in Denmark through Tech.
Round 4 is a bit different. The Tech Match program focuses on Danish startups, helping them to build a strong partnership with a Danish SME and further develop their business.
DanBAN has +300 members and has been named as Best Performing Member by the European Business Angels Network (EBAN) in 2021, 2016 and 2014 and DanBAN currently has an increased focus on PropTech and ConTech.
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